July 5, 2011

Sweet Sunshine Dress

Hi guys! Hope you all had a marvellous Fourth of July!
But now that we're back from long weekend mode, I have a little dress to show ya :) I call it the Sweet Sunshine Dress. And it's my new fav.

I made this dress about 2 or three months ago, but didn't complete it 'till last night, Oh, and the picture are not the greatest...I hate when that happens :( And yes, it could also be a tunic, cuz it's kinna short.

Here are a few more picture with much more detail:

The "lace" is part of a scarf I bought at the DS. This pic was suppose to show how it cinches at the waist even without the belt.

"Look mom! No butt!"  LOL!!! actually no, not LOL...more like *groan!!!
Wanna know what I used to make this cute little number? Why, my  husband's tee of course! Hubs was given two XXL tees sometime last year. He wears a medium. But he's tall so the giver thought the tees would fit. Alas, they did not. Poor hubby. LUCKY ME :)
They where just basic WHITE Fruit of the Loom tees...nothing extraordinary. But I had been searching online on my usual favourite sites for dress inspiration (you know, Anthro, J Crew, Shabby Apple, Mod Cloth, etc,.) And I COULDN'T find the style of dress I was looking for. I mean I could see it in my head, why couldn't I find it!? Then it struck me, just make it yourself! And so, hubby's tee was sacrificed to the cause of...well, my wardrobe. And this is what I came up with:

Hubby approves :)

And no, I didn't do a tute as I went along, it was one of those wildly sewing 'till the wee hours moment. Finished in an hour. Than it sat for 2 months waiting for me to dye it. Finally got to it last night. And even though the colour was supposed to be a powdery yellow, I am loving this bright Sunshine Yellow!

BUT...because I love you guys, I am willing to work on a tutorial for you!
My question for you is this: I am willing to do a tute showing EXACTLY this dress shown here (or tunic, whateva) or I can show you a very similar one made by non other than, Anthropologie (this time THEY copied me!!! LOL! Except, theirs IS a tunic. Oh well, great minds think alike! Wait, did that sounds conceited...I take it back! ) called the Envelop Tunic:

Envelop Tunic

So, let me know in the comments which you prefer. If I don't get any comments, I'll cry. No, I'm just teasing. If I don't get comments, I'll decide on my own. Deal?
So, totally up to you guys.

***Don't forget to enter the Giveaway HERE! You can get some free fabric. And so far there's only 20 entries, so your chances are pretty good.***

xoxo, Dorian


  1. You look amazing in this! So cute. I still need to make the t-shirt tutorial you posted awhile back; I have the stuff just still drumming up the courage to start.

  2. adorable! the things you make from a tshirt girl!!!

  3. I would love the envelope tunic tute!!!! yours is absolutely gorgeous but im in the same fabulous shape as you so i tend towards more versatile..big groan there!
    never commented before but i love your blog!!

  4. whoops totally meant to say NOT IN THE SAME fabulous shape as you lol...

  5. So cute! I love how it came out! I'd love to see a tutorial for either style . . . they both are so fun!

  6. This is adorable! I love cutting up clothes and turning them into something new. Is it relatively easy to dye something?


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