October 25, 2011

Small Treasures, Big Memories

So, unless you know me IRL...or even if you do, actually...you may not know that I'm a bit of a collector. NOT a hoarder...A COLLECTOR. {Did you read that Hubs...NOT a hoarder! :)}
Ever since I was a child, I've been the same. Which explains why even as a child I would buy the most random stuff at neighborhood garage sales. Seriously. Random. 
I remember one time, I must've been 10 at the time, me, my best friend and my little brother (who was 7, but has always been my partner in crime) were riding our bike around our neighborhood. Honest to goodness, we lived in THE perfect neighborhood. It wasn't because it was affluent (because it was not), it was because of the way of life. There were older homes, in front of a school so all our school friends lived near by. There was a cemetery right behind us (sounds scary but it was PERFECT for truth or dare) A friendly neighbor, another neighbor who grew wine grapes and let us help him pick them. He'd pay us in grapes. A HUGE HUGE backyard where my dad grew his own veggies. YUM! But most of all, it was safe.
Anyway, that day we were riding around (on our bikes), and noticed a neighbor about 6 houses down having a garage sale. We were all over it! I spotted the cutest "tea" set, and asked how much it was. $1. All I had was .50 cents. I begged her to hold it for me and ran back home to beg my mom for money. I got back and paid my dollar and gingerly rode my bike home, being so careful not to drop my treasures. To this day I have my "tea" set, which I later found out was not a tea set at all, rather espresso mugs.
VINTAGE espresso mugs.

I love their happy colors and clean white space and whimsical little flowers. And, that handle! It's soo teeny, tiny, only the tip of my pinky fits through!! But what I love most is what happens every time I look at them.
Every single time I look at them, I remember the carefree days of my childhood, and I'm filled with gratitude to my parents, my brother, my long lost best friend, GOD...for beautiful memories and giving me a history I love to recall. I know what a blessing that is.

Since then I have been mug obsessed. Seriously, I can hardly walk by an interesting/vintage/pretty mug without having to buy it! And my husband KNOWS this, and encourages it. Just look at the latest one I got...from the DS, no less!!(DS=Dollar Store) 
HOW is this a dollar!? Someone tell me, how is this ONLY a dollar!?

The next one, is one of my favorite mugs, I'm pretty sure my mom bought it at a thrift store in the early nineties. I stole it when I was around 9, and it became "MY" mug...you know the one you ALWAYS use. I broke the handle in my teen years, and instead of throwing it out I glued it back together. You can't really use it comfortably, but it sit in my crafting table, bringing back memories of hot cocoa after a snow ball fight with my family, or chocolate milk for Saturday morning breakfast.

But my absolute favorite, is the one I sneaked out of my house when I married my husband. It was my mom's mug for years. I didn't tell her I took it until she came over to my house shortly after I was married. I felt so bad, but I needed to have it. I dreaded being 2 cities away from her and the only home I've ever known , and this brought me some comfort. To me, it says everything my mother and my home were (and are) to me:
I always would think that the "v" was my dad, and the "e" my mom. They loved and still love each other so well :) Now, I wish I had taken my daddy's mug as well ;)

Anyway, bet you didn't know a person could write such a long post about mugs! (But, was it really about the mugs, I wonder?) And I TOTALLY understand if you skipped parts. LOL! For those that didn't, I thank you for letting me tell you a little about myself outside of the crafty/bloggy stuff :) I would LOVE to get to know each of you better too.

I leave you with some pinterest pretties:
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A bigger one of the ones I have! MUST FIND!!!

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Both found on Flickr from Pomme-de-Jour
This one is in PERFECT condition! Jealous... ;)

As always, my lovely friends, thank you for reading. And, just for fun...is there anything you collect? Or anything that invokes strong memories?

xoxo, Dorian

Friends, tomorrow my dad goes in for a minor surgery to have his gallbladder removed. I would truly appreciate if you could breathe a prayer for him.

all images via.


  1. What fun! I don't know that I'm a collector of anyone thing, but I definitely have a collection of lots of stuff. Maybe I fall a little bit more on the hoarder side. :)

    I still have cocoa mugs from my childhood - - a giraffe and an elephant. One was my sister's and one was mine. The handles are made from the neck and trunk. Very fun and definitely bring back memories of running back inside for cocoa after sledding.

    Hope you have a great week, Dorian!

  2. Oooh my parents had a dinner set very similar to your mugs, brings back memories!

    I don't really collect anything, but do not ask me to part with fabric or ribbon, ever! I did collect bouncy balls and erasers as a child....!

  3. hello bloggy friend!
    first off, i read the whole blog :) And i totally understand!! You are to mugs as i am to tea cups!! I'm a little particular about them, which helps combat hoarding ;), but if i see a pink and white tea cup at an affordable price...there's just no saying no! i love all the sweet memories you have attached to your aeclectic mugs! The love one with heart handle is my fav.... love hearing more about the woman behind the crafts!

    ps. praying for your dad!

  4. I used to collect elephants but now only if they are REALLY unusual. I prefer ones made from rocks or wood.

    But seriously, I collect life and have a hard time getting rid of all the little things: school papers, artwork, love notes. I'm a bit of a pack rat. I'm constantly fighting with myself. One side wants to keep EVERYTHING and the other side wants to have a clean slate, throw it all out and start over. One day...I'll find the right balance. :)


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