November 17, 2011

"L" is for Love It...

So, this past weekend the local fabric store (which is also the biggest national chain), was having a sale on almost all their fabric. Hubs was sick and decided to stay home with the kids and while his younger sister (my lovely SIL) watched them. So, it was just me and my Mom-in-Law and a fabric store full of goodies. You was HEAVEN! I planned to post up a picture of my haul (because it was, indeed, a HAUL) but my computer and internet are conspiring against me. 
So, since I am having problems with this retched thing (I don't mean that computer/internet...I love you!) I thought I'd show you an old project I made for Mother's Day this year. I never posted it, so I figured...why not?



the brown is a deep chocolate brown...I don't know why it shows red in this last picture?
I made this bag for my MIL out of thrifted (and washed! I'm not gross!) fabric. Except for the purple floral lining. That was a pair of fat quarters I saved for just the right project. I love the colors of this bag, so calming and earthy. I love that it has the two side pocket on the outside and the interior pocket as well. I am a stickler for details like pockets :) I didn't do a tute for this, cuz it was really fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kinna sewing. I've made several bags, but I have to say, this one is one of my faves. I really want to perfect it and try again and maybe make a tute? Would you be interested?

Anyway, today is the LAST day to enter the current giveaway! Tomorrow, I will announce the winner. And I have something you will LOVE, so be sure to check back!

Thanks again for reading : ) It means a lot to me : )

xoxo, Dorian


  1. Cute bag, glad you had a fun time with your MIL

  2. Love the bag - - I think the external pockets are cute & genius! :)

  3. Oh, and I forgot to mention that a tutorial for it would rock!

  4. I am jealous - I am on the waiting list for Pinterest - why can't I get on? Love your blog!!


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