November 8, 2011

Picking Plums

You guy! Did you see the awesome, amazing, PERFECT-the-Hoildays Pick Your Plum deal today?!

68% off Personalized Address Stamps!
They are $8.75, and even if you buy the max. order of 12, s/h is still a flat $3.50!

If you've never heard of Pick Your Plum, they're basically like a Groupon but for crafty supplies and knick knacks. Yesterday it was those cute little rose earrings,  a couple weeks ago some yards of Rick get the idea.
Anyway, this isn't a sponsored post. I just wanted you to know about these deals. They're pretty awesome. AND I think they may still have some address stamps available!
Go to Pick Your Plum to get yours!

xoxo, Dorian


  1. Adorable! Thanks for letting us know!

  2. Aww, I got all excited there, then saw they only ship to the US and Canada. Oh well!


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