November 4, 2011


Hi guys! Sorry this is late but I have had a CRAZY day!
Anyway, without further adieu, the winner of the a Wall Stencil of their choice from Royal Design Studio (up to $50 ) is...LUCKY # 13!!!

Ruth said...13

I am new to your blog and I am thrilled that I stopped by today.

My favorite stencils are Springtime in Paris and Large Entwined Trellis.

I am a new follower.

I am having a giveaway on my blog, too. Hope you can stop by.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks!! Did you receive my email. I was so thrilled. It took me a while to deide which one I wanted. So many amazing stencils.


Your comments mean a lot to me, I read every last one of them! Thank you for taking the time!

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