October 7, 2011

Let The Best Craft Win!

Hi lovelies!
Hope your Friday is going great so far! Isn't it wonderful that tomorrow is SATURDAY! And for us in Canada, Monday is Thanksgiving. Yay :)
Onto to bloggy news. Today, Round 1 Of American Crafter opens for voting. The voting will be open from today until Sunday and the theme of the week was Halloween.
Now, I'm sure you've noticed an obvious lack of anything Halloween on my blog. And that's we don't celebrate Halloween. We have nothing against anyone how does, in fact most of our family celebrates it. We just don't. So you can see why this week posed a challenge for me. I didn't know what to make. But then I decided it was the perfect opportunity to make my Noah that Batman mask he's been asking for. 
And here, my friends, is what I came up with:

I kinna love it. And he really  loves it. Which makes me feel all tingly inside :) It's my first attempt at sewn head gear and it turned out MUCH better than I hoped for. 
I originally wanted to make him a little fake muscle chest piece and a cape, but lady luck was against me (lost all my black thread...how does that even happen!?) and so was Father Time (my baby had a crazy amount of appointments)

I didn't make a tutorial for this, but if there's enough interest I will make one and show how it can be customized to become anything from Batman to a girly kitty. :) But, having said that I do want to add...as much as I'd like to tell you to vote for me and promise you everything short of my firstborn if I win, I won't do that
I AM going to ask you that head over HERE, and vote for whoever you like best though. Find the project you most admire and show it's creator some love and vote :) Even if that's not me, we're cool, we'll still be buds :)
Let the best craft win!

And as always, thank you so much for reading.

xoxo, Dorian


  1. Wow, that would certainly be challenging to craft for an event that you don't celebrate, but you pulled it off. My son is obsessed with Halloween and his best friend doesn't celebrate it, so it has been a learning experience for each of them. :)

    Good luck!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nanananana...batmaaannnn....you got my vote! Xo

  4. This is awe-SOME! ka-POW! I have three boys. I hope you do decide to do a tutorial for this, 'cause it's amazing! I voted for you at American Crafters : )
    Jaimee @ craft-interrupted.blogspot.com

  5. Please make a tutorial, pretty please!!! My son and I will become your bestest friends!


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