October 13, 2011

Two Lips on my Walls - A REVEAL

Hi friends! I have a small reveal today. Mind you, I am NOT at all done, but I wanted to show you part of my bathroom transformation. 
Have you guys ever heard of Royal Design Studio? I'm sure you have. They have THE most incredible wall stencils around! And really, stencils are all the rage now, right? I mean, just LOOK at the one below! WOW!

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Anyway, when I was sent their STUNNING  Phoebe Tulips Allover Stencil to try out and review, I was besides myself excited! And, btw, when you get your stencil you also get a tiny flower stencil attached to a "Thank You for your Order" note and a discount off your next purchase...just sayin' nice perks :)

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Phobe Stencil 
But then when I got it (really quickly, by the way) I got stuck. It was such a beautiful stencil but I had a hard time seeing it in any other colour combo than they one they already did! I will admit, I am THE WORST at deciding on paint colour, it takes me FOREVER. Anyway, Weeks of changing my mind every two seconds and I FINALLY came up with this:

I don't have a before, but imagine the wall a lovely shade of primer white :)

Sorry about the bad pictures, the weather has not been cooperating lately. And also, I get no direct sunlight in this room. Kinna makes it so the first point doesn't matter, huh?

LOVE my new mirror! Don't love my standard pedestal sink.
The washroom is still far from done. We want to replace the sink and add decorative touches here and there. But we'll do that when the budget allows for it :)

The stencil amazed me with how strong and sturdy (yet flexible) it was. And this was really easy to do. I won't lie though, it's time consuming. But the results are so spectacular, that it's well worth it. The hardest thing you'll encounter is the edges (how I loathe you edges!!!) but I found a really easy way to get around that. We'll get to that in a second.

When you receive the stencil it comes with a whole two sheets on how to make it easier to use. I followed that ALMOST  to the "t" and found it soo helpful. One thing you do need is re-positionable spray adhesive (bought mine at Michael's and used the new Martha Stewart/Plaid line of products). I would also highly recommend having (like they say in their how-to's) moist q-tips for quick fixes. As well as painters tape, and GOOD stenciling brushes (I used these).
I didn't use acrylic paint to do the stencils, as is suggested. Instead I bought very small cans of regular paint and used that. To me, it worked just as well. However, I think the adhesive spray and lots of dabbing off the paint had something to do with that. And for those pesky corners, I simple pushed the stencil inward towards to the edges and traced out the shape as best I could and then removed the stencil and painted it in with a small brush. Takes longer but the results are MUCH cleaner.
All in all, I LOVE the outcome and it was easy. And everyone who sees it says "it looks like wallpaper!", which is what I wanted. 

The only downside? Now I have to make the rest of my house just a beautiful as the washroom! Time for more stencils!

So what do you guys think about this stencil trend? 
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Would you like me to do a giveaway? **hint, hint** ;)
Let me know in the comments!!

And, as always, thanks so much for reading!

xoxo, Dorian

Linked to these great parties!

P.S: THE GIVEAWAY IS A GO!!! Enter Here!


  1. Wow. That is really beautiful, Dorian. Well worth the time!

    I like that stencils can give the look of wallpaper, but when I get tired of the wall (which, being fickle, I totally will), I can just paint over it instead of scraping and cursing for far too many hours.

    I would love a giveaway! Should I send you my address now? ;)

    Have a great weekend! -Cath

  2. love the stencil and your "new" bathroom wall! i also ordered a stencil from them and received a teeny thank you flower stencil with it! both have been used with much success...and i'd love more! go for the giveaway!

    new visitor from yesterday on tuesday party...


  3. I just saw your post via Chic on a Shoestring. What a great blog you have!! I am now your newest follower. I hope you will follow me, too! Blessings to you!

  4. Dorian, girl, you are AMAZing! Thank you for doing such a super fab job with my Phoebe's Tulip stencil. I think you color choices are spot ON. This is gorgeous....can't wait to share!!

  5. Wow! I LOVE that mirror! And the stencil looks great too! I always feel like stenciling takes so much patience! Great job with this!

    I am hosting a really fun giveaway on my blog! Would love for you to come and check it out!


  6. GORGEOUS! I am so impressed by their stencils detail! I've been dying to order one... The choice of which one is just so hard. & umm did you say GIVEWAY?!? Yes please :)

  7. I love this trend! I have stenciled my second bathroom, master bedroom, furniture, and several rooms in my clients homes! It is inexpensive and easy to fix.

  8. That looks awesome! We are about to move into a new house and I had been thinking about some stenciling. This inspires me to do it after all!

  9. WOW! It really does look like wallpaper.



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