October 14, 2011

Easy to Paint

Recently, I was lucky enough to be sent some more stuff from Plaid.
This time it was their new "Easy to Paint" Line of products which is available NOW at Michael's and AC Moores across the country.

So basically, "Easy to Paint" makes some rub-on patterns that come in a little package full of how-to's with detailed pictures.

I bought that canvas an easel from the dollar store for 1.25, I think.. 

All you have to do is rub-on the flower you want and follow their super easy instructions on how to paint it in. 
When I say easy, youguys, I mean STEP BY STEP instructions. Even on HOW to dip the brush in the paint so you get the right look.

I didn't press down hard enough on the stencil :(
The package comes with a reusable practice sheet where you can practice your strokes before you commit.

I didn't use the exact colours the flower called for, instead I used what I had and mixed my own.

Follow the steps and you get this:
I made a mistake! see the arrow...boo!
In  hindsight, I think I would have left the canvas white. Instead I used the widest brush and watered down some paint and gave it a stained effect. Please note...I am NOT a painter. I'm not. I wish I was. I don't know if this is the technical way to do it, but this is what I did. I watered down some paint, brushed it on, then used a paper towel to wipe it off. I just wanted a very light stain.

The weather is horrible rainy today, so please pardon the dark pictures.
This is what I finished with:

I have to say, I like it. It was really easy, the results look better than I expected, and it's kinna addictive. I want to paint some more, now that I'm actually okay at it! LOL! It also made me feel like an artist ;), and THAT is always a good thing.

I plan to write a sweet little something on it, when the paint dries completely. I think I'm going to go with 
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; 
but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised"
And leave it there on my vanity, where I do my makeup, as a reminder that even on those days that I look like something from a horror film, it doesn't matter. HE matters. 
Or I'll give it as a gift...Christmas is coming up :)

Thank you so much for reading! Have a great weekend :)
xoxo, Dorian

Hate doing this, but here's the fine print: I was provided with the Easy To Paint Rub-Ons, as well as paint, for this review. I received no monetary compensation, and all opinions expressed are solely mine
If you want to keep up to date with the latest in Plaid, you can visit their blog or "like" them on facebook.


  1. This is beautiful! And looks easy enough too! Super cute.

    PSST - Can I ask how you got hooked up with Plaid? I'm so jealous!! haha

  2. That came out really well. I think if you wanted a solid background, I'd do that first before applying the stencil (with my whole GCSE and A-Level are qualifications here ;o) )

  3. What a cool concept! Such a great way to "learn" how to paint if you are not very good at it like me ;) Love the template and colors you used! I think a sweet little saying will def make it special.

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