April 20, 2011

One Little Elephant...

My baby's first birthday party is this Sunday. We chose to do it two weeks after his birth, on the exact day he came home from the hospital. The day we had him to ourselves...a beautiful baby son to love.

I decided we should go with a circus theme. I just know all those colours and fun-ness (?) would get great giggles out of him!
And my sweet  SILs are making the cake. Wanna see what the topper will be? (Photos courtesy of my SIL's blog)

Isn't he adorable? Wait till you see him done in fondant...

Isn't he just perfect?
A little elephant for my little peanut!
This brought tears to my eyes. I am so lucky to have such talent in my family and to have people who love my lil' guy so well. Lucy (my sister-in-law), is a whiz with fondant and so SO much more.
Oh, wait, you wanna see her blog? Why, of course! Here is her button:


1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a fun theme for a party! That elephant is so adorable! Your sister in law is very talented! I can't wait to see all the pictures of the decorations and the little guy's reaction to it all. Big hugs!


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